Dedicated to Daphne

Daphne died today from pregnancy toxemia.

Daphne is very wooly

Daphne is very wooly. We could tell here that something was wrong.

She had a very nice fleece:


I found a cute picture of her as a lamb from 2009.

Daphne, as a 2-day old with mom, Abby, looking on.

Daphne, as a 2-day old with mom, Abby, looking on.

Here is a video of Abby with baby Daphne and Darcy. Daphne is the one that is right up by the camera:

We were able to save one of Daphne’s babies with a C-section before she passed away. Here is Heather (her father is our new ram, Gabriel):


Heather in onesie an diaper

Heather in onesie and diaper

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17 Responses to Dedicated to Daphne

  1. Kathy Ammerman says:

    hi Julie, wow you got this precious little girl to pose for the camera already, she looks adorable. I pray she lives to bring you and your family amazing joy! blessings to you all for a Blessed Easter, In Him, Kathy Ammerman

  2. Cylly says:

    So sorry to hear about Losing Daphne! This has been a tough spring.

    Welcome to the world, Heather! So Cocoa Puffs has a new indoor buddy? And you have another little appetite demanding to be fed? Sleep? What sleep?!

    • Julie Helms says:

      I do have two bottle babies now, but Cocoa is no longer indoors. I learned this year that goatie babies are different than lambie babies. Goatie babies like to climb furniture and launch into clean laundry baskets etc. Lambs are MUCH more polite. So Cocoa Puffs hangs out with Kix and Trix and Lucky and Charms and brother Eeyore in the barn.
      Sleep?? What’s that??????????

  3. Cylly says:

    Just re-read & realized there was at least one lambie lost too. 😦

  4. Dan says:

    Sorry for your loss. I know you put a lot of time, energy and love into each and every one of them.

  5. Lisa says:

    I am sorry for what you had to go through, and for Daphne. Heather is a miracle lambie!
    You aren’t substituting lambies for babies, with Sarah being in college and Cassie being a senior in hs, are you?! 🙂 Onesies look suspicious….
    She is so sweet. I need to bring the kids out to see.

  6. Poor Daphne, I remeber when you showed us her fleece and how lovely it was before. Glad you saved a lamb.

    From Brenda but it would not let me change out of hubbies account.

  7. And that’s the way farming life goes. Life, losses and miracles. Daphne sure was a cute baby and a beauty. With her loss it sure is good to have her little Heather survive. She’s a little miracle.

  8. katejohns says:

    Farm life is a tough life due to animals dying. It makes it all worth it when a baby survives the insurmountable. I showed my 14 YO daughter your baby pics, and now she wants to get a lamb, a goat, chickens, and a squirrel. Thanks Julie.—LOL!! But seriously, thanks for sharing your farm–life experiences.

    • Julie Helms says:

      You are welcome Kate. And why are you preventing your daughter from this noble desire???? Lol! Hopefully the pictures will be fun for her….lots of babies coming up over the next few weeks.

  9. Debbie says:

    I am so sorry for your loss, but am so excited by the Miracle of little Miss Heather.

    Getting close to your animals is a blessing and they are probably better off for that, and happier too (as well as for you!). There is a reason your sheep produce such fine fleeces, and your goats are so precious.

    I know, I am biased about goats… I do have a lovely visual of Cocoa jumping from the couch to the laundry basket – thanks for that!

    Enjoy the miracles that are and I look forward to more pictures of babies. 🙂

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